Villa near Varsaw
What is interesting about the realization of the villa near Varsaw is that its form was being designed simultaneously with the interior design projects. It made it possible for us to create an almost perfect whole, which is a harmony of exterior and interior. The most important assumptions that were made at the begging were: functionality, large amount of light and color play. We wanted to create an interior reminiscent of the style of the old Varsaw villas and at the same time, by some modern touches, emphasize that the object was realized in the XXI century.
Villa near Varsaw
What is interesting about the realization of the villa near Varsaw is that its form was being designed simultaneously with the interior design projects. It made it possible for us to create an almost perfect whole, which is a harmony of exterior and interior. The most important assumptions that were made at the begging were: functionality, large amount of light and color play. We wanted to create an interior reminiscent of the style of the old Varsaw villas and at the same time, by some modern touches, emphasize that the object was realized in the XXI century.

There were, therefore, historical elements – stucco, woodwork, furniture, stone floors decorated with inlays and paintings, and to such a created space we introduced modern fabrics, both in form and in color. For example, we contrasted the delicate emerald linen with multi-colored fringes. Installed modern lighting brings out vibrant colors and extraordinary details of the interior finish, which gives a unique effect between the epochal marriage. We believe that our goal to create an extraordinary space for living, was achieved.